what should you do when something you believe turns out to be wrong?

That's Non a Hypothesis

Let's Talk Virtually Scientific discipline

Dr. Make agrees, this would be a good fourth dimension to talk about science.

Thus, a Hypothesis Is…

  • Nosotros believe that plants need sunlight to live
  • We believe that electrons have a negative charge
  • We believe that white blood cells defend the torso against affliction
  • Nosotros believe that patreon creators are highly motivated to use our platform, but feel writers' block when building their pages

This is, in fact, a well-stated hypothesis, and one that's falsifiable.

Where Do Hypotheses Come up From?

Feynman is my hero. Start hither.
  • We believe that plants need sunlight to live because plants do not seem to grow in places where there is no calorie-free
  • We believe that electrons have a negative charge considering when they shot through a magnetic field they curved to the right instead of going straight.
  • We believe that white blood cells defend the body against affliction because ill patients appear to have a higher count in their torso compared to healthy patients.
  • We believe that Patreon creators are highly motivated to use our platform, just experience writers' block when edifice their pages because when the customer success team helps a creator launch, almost of the fourth dimension is spent helping them find relevant examples.

A Prediction Is…

  • If I put my plant in the dark, then it will dice
  • If I receive an infection, and so my white blood cell count will go up
  • If we put concrete examples in the Patreon onboarding, then we volition run into a ascent in successful creators

This is actually a prediction, not a hypothesis!

Clear Hypotheses Atomic number 82 to Clear Learning

Suzy knows the importance of clearly stating a hypothesis.

Side note: What Nigh Problem Statements?

  • "We'd similar customers to retain longer."
  • "We'd similar users to engage more."
  • "We'd like visitors to catechumen at college rates."

An overview of how the Patreon growth team thought well-nigh new creator onboarding. Btw, this was done on Freemind, my favorite slice of software ever.

Your Checklist for Writing a Good Hypothesis

  • Information technology starts with the words "nosotros believe"
  • Information technology probably has the discussion "considering"
  • It doesn't incorporate "if" or "then" (that's a prediction)


Source: https://medium.com/@talraviv/thats-not-a-hypothesis-25666b01d5b4

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