Orion Starshoot G4 Color Deep Space Imaging Camera Review


Posted 17 Nov 2017 - 04:49 PM

I was on Orion's website and saw this new color camera https://world wide web.telescop...fourteen/p/118205.uts For some ane every bit newbie equally newbie can be, would this be something that has enough features and ease of employ to get some i up and running. I have a a triplet F6  APO and a SCT telescope. Any pros and cons would exist so helpful.  thanks in advance Bob

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#2 mistateo

Posted 17 Nov 2017 - 05:54 PM

If you are open to buying used, I think y'all could become a whole lot more sensor size for your coin.  That would be one of my master reservations for this camera is the small field of view.

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#3 Thirteen

Posted 17 Nov 2017 - 05:57 PM

Yeah, it'southward low resolution and small. It may be a good fit for some systems with a specific fov in mind, but it'south somewhat restrictive. You could get into a color CMOS sensor for merely a couple hundred more (ASI174MC-Cool) and exist in a ameliorate place for most setups.

I know a "hither, spend more" mail isn't always helpful, only I think it's worth considering.

Edited past Xiii, 17 November 2017 - 05:58 PM.

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#4 bob midiri

Posted 17 Nov 2017 - 06:06 PM

Ive seen a few ASI cooled MC1600 color for sale on CN classifieds between $585-$685, dose the ASI 174 have more advantages then the 1600? Thanks for the headsup on the Orion

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#5 Thirteen

Posted 17 November 2017 - 06:39 PM

I was quoting new prices. If you lot are willing to go used, a 1600 is a adept selection. No at that place aren't advantages, per se. The 174 is a smaller chip and slightly higher noise, though it is more sensitive and has larger pixels. Merchandise offs...

Your equipment spans quite a range. I think the 1600 probably wins for versatility, only some complain about the color version.

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#six bob midiri

Posted 17 Nov 2017 - 07:21 PM

Jason I very much appreciate your thoughts on this. I have one more wrinkle, a while back I bought from a friend his Celestron Nightscape 8300. Its been just sitting in the box, because I haven't seen to many practiced reviews and have been afraid to fifty-fifty try it. I was just looking at the manual and its pixel size is five.4 micron maybe like to the ASI 174 pixel size?, Do yous think this would exist Ok just to learn with...Im very intimidated by all this, back in the day I used film with an off axis guider and wasn't too bad in imaging, merely this was in the late 1980's thru early on 1990's using a x" SCT . I understood information technology so, just alas all this new technology has me a fleck petrified to even try DSO and imaging, on the other manus I have no problem with my ASI 224MC for lunar and planetary imaging and stacking....only this is a whole different brawl game

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#seven 13

Posted 17 Nov 2017 - 07:31 PM

I'd absolutely get your feet wet with the Nightscape. I am a big proponent of using what you have as a tool to learn what y'all really desire when it comes time to open your wallet.

Truth be told, I don't know specifically why the nIghtscape gets poor reviews and I don't meet information technology used much so there must be something to that. The key is that it will go yous understanding the piece of work flow, which will exist the foundation to using whatsoever and all of these cameras.

Edited by Thirteen, 17 Nov 2017 - 07:31 PM.

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#8 bob midiri

Posted 17 Nov 2017 - 08:16 PM

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#9 Xshovelfighter

Posted 17 Nov 2017 - 10:39 PM


I currently have the Orion G3 monochrome camera. I oasis't heard or read much about the G4 y'all posted virtually - withal a quick view of the link shows that it has the same sensor but with a little more than powerful cooling and peradventure a few other upgrades. Given it's the same sensor, i can tell you lot that it'due south a very sensitive camera! It was my first (and only photographic camera every bit of now), and it really blew my mind how sensitive it was and what I could do with it. However, fast forward nearly vi month and at present that I am completely suckered into this hobby and have gotten more experience and am looking for an upgrade! As others have mentioned, i call up the camera itself is a great value for the money, no doubt most that. Yet, if y'all advance quickly and become serious about this hobby, it may leave yous wanting an upgrade after 0.5-1 year. Too, for what it's worth, the G3 is very buggy and tends to have bug with disconnecting mid image, not sure if this carries over to the G4.

All that beingness said, it sounds similar yous have a nice camera already. I don't recall getting the G4 volition exist much of an comeback over the nightscape. I'd highly recommend learning on that for 6 months since yous already accept it, and and then upgrading when it seems necessary.

I hope this helps!

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#ten Capella Observatory

Posted 30 November 2017 - x:22 AM

I own a G3 I have used information technology for 3 yrs mostly to prototype transients, Nova, Supernova,as has been stated the camera is very sensitive my only complaint has been with the software ( continuous crashes),the new version of the software seems to accept corrected the problem. I just ordered a G4 I'll post my impressions as soon equally it arrives. Yous can see some of my images with the G3 hither                              http://world wide web.angelfire...bservatory.html

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#xi ecjoyner

Posted 06 December 2017 - 02:43 AM

I would utilise the Nightscape first to try, it should work with sharpcap/pro then yous have some decent sw to run information technology.

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#12 ecjoyner

Posted 06 December 2017 - 02:43 AM

I would use the Nightscape offset to endeavor, it should work with sharpcap/pro and so you have some decent sw to run it.

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#13 ram812

Posted 06 December 2017 - 12:xi PM

I own a G3 I accept used it for 3 yrs mostly to epitome transients, Nova, Supernova,every bit has been stated the camera is very sensitive my only complaint has been with the software ( continuous crashes),the new version of the software seems to have corrected the trouble. I only ordered a G4 I'll postal service my impressions equally soon as it arrives. Y'all tin can see some of my images with the G3 here                              http://world wide web.angelfire...bservatory.html

  I've had the G3 for 3 years and did some experimenting and have found out that the problem stems from my Avast security program. Once I turned it off it stopped crashing. Couldn't figure if in that location was a conflict between the ii during download of either, and then I removed Avast, re-installed information technology, removed ALL of the software associated with the G3 from EVERYWHERE in the PC, re-installed that, and information technology works just fine. I, too, enjoy my G3 color version and to this appointment I haven't even exported any files to Photoshop yet for further editing equally I like the results I've gotten out of it as is. It works real good on my ST-eighty, XT 10 and the AT6RC with no demand to field flatten or coma correct. Ralph

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#14 Capella Observatory

Posted 09 December 2017 - 10:07 AM

Offset Lite with the new Orion G4 Camera-200mm F4 Astrograph ,pleased so far. https://flic.kr/p/ZYiFkx     https://flic.kr/p/EbQWk1

Edited by Capella Observatory, 09 Dec 2017 - 10:08 AM.

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#15 Miguel Rui Lopes

Posted 12 January 2018 - 05:31 PM

Given it's the aforementioned sensor, i can tell yous that it's a very sensitive camera! Information technology was my offset (and but camera every bit of now), and it really blew my mind how sensitive information technology was and what I could exercise with information technology.

It is non the same sensor. The G3 has an ICX419 and the G4 has a ICX829, which is much more than sensitive.

Considering that the readout dissonance also dropped, I would estimate that the G4 is at to the lowest degree 2x more sensitive than the G3, perchance 2.5x.

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#16 Miguel Rui Lopes

Posted 12 January 2018 - 05:49 PM

I own a G3 I have used it for 3 yrs mostly to image transients, Nova, Supernova,as has been stated the camera is very sensitive my only complaint has been with the software ( continuous crashes),the new version of the software seems to accept corrected the problem. I just ordered a G4 I'll post my impressions as presently every bit information technology arrives. You lot can see some of my images with the G3 here                              http://world wide web.angelfire...bservatory.html

There is a newer version of the software:


Seems to have some new features. 64 fleck support and new processing options. Stability besides seems to have improved.

A overnice new feature is star statistics now show close to the mouse cursor.

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#17 ram812

Posted 12 January 2018 - 09:09 PM

 Each one of these was shot with the Yard-3 and different OTA'due south. One XT10, an Orion 80mm short tube refractor and an AT6RC. Though not candy to the hilt, I know information technology's capable so I may be into the Chiliad-4. Weighs a bit more than, though! grin.gif Ralph All on CGEM.[attachment=988480:M57A.jpeg]

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#18 ram812

Posted 12 January 2018 - 09:12 PM

That was on a XT 10. This is the AT6RC:[attachment=988489:m6946rc.jpeg]

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#xix ram812

Posted 12 Jan 2018 - 09:17 PM

This is the ST-eighty. Past the way, the RC shot was guided (5-mins), the XT was only about 2 minutes of drove(!) the 80 is un-guided and I can't remember just I believe I stacked 4 v min. shots.[attachment=988491:ngc6946apo5min.jpeg]

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#twenty ram812

Posted 12 January 2018 - 09:39 PM

  O.Yard., my PA was off on the RC, but that galaxy at the fourth dimension was Due east high and to the North, not platonic for a outset time guide session grin.gif , in the trees! But I accept PHD2 and am preparing a new PEC run and just stick with the RC/ST-fourscore for pics. GEM handles it pretty well and if I get the PA routine down I call back I'll be happy with information technology. But sooner or subsequently, I'thousand also thinking of trying monochrome LRGB/Ha,O 3,S2 and that means going to a dissimilar make of camera birthday and different processing techniques. Orion's camera'due south could besides, IMHO, use a little ameliorate cooling delta rating like -30 or -40C. The price may go up but I think keeping things cool on long exposures would assistance things a great deal. Non on the Thousand-3, of course, I have tossed a number of frames from over saturated and can't be saved type to learn that information technology pays to keep exposures short. Take fun! Ralph

Edited by ram812, 12 Jan 2018 - ten:08 PM.

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#21 Cholmesmd

Posted 05 May 2018 - 04:29 PM

I've been a DSLR guy mostly merely am interested in exploring ccds. The Orion G4 really interests my. The sensor seems better than ok, as is the price. Darks are hands acquired. The big knock on the G3 was the collecting and processing program called The Orion Photographic camera Studio. Has anyone explored this, and if so, how did it go?

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#22 Don Walters

Posted 05 May 2018 - 08:23 PM

I got the G3 in 2015 and used the camera studio for capture. I call up you'll have an easier time with a mono cam with filters. I had a hard fourth dimension with the Bayer pattern on the colour version. Information technology's CMYG and is not well supported in various software. Your experience may differ.

The Camera studio software works. But there is more sophisticated software that's fairly inexpensive. Sequence Gen pro is chop-chop becoming a not bad tool for capture and management of your other AP accessories. Merely if y'all just want something free, the cam studio they offering is functional by maybe not so elegant. But my two bits as a former user.

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#23 ram812

Posted 08 May 2018 - ten:26 PM

I got the G3 in 2015 and used the camera studio for capture. I think you'll have an easier time with a mono cam with filters. I had a hard time with the Bayer pattern on the color version. It's CMYG and is not well supported in various software. Your experience may differ.

The Photographic camera studio software works. But there is more than sophisticated software that'south adequately cheap. Sequence Gen pro is quickly becoming a great tool for capture and management of your other AP accessories. But if you lot simply want something free, the cam studio they offer is functional by maybe non and so elegant. Just my two bits as a one-time user.

 I agree,totally. grin.gif .

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#24 andymp3

Posted 20 July 2018 - 12:18 AM


 I recently bought a G4 afterward having success with the G3.  When i tried the camera out, the ruby channel was a existent mess, so everything a blue green color (since red was really unusable). Naught i tried fixed this: multiple computers, cables, fresh installs. Ok, and then Orion sent out a new i. Same affair!  Now wondering if me or the camera! Don't know what else to try and think I just requite up on information technology and send it back too. G3 still works very well on aforementioned setup, and so I don't know really anymore.

  I will discover a FIT file to show y'all what I mean.

  Hope you have better luck than me if y'all attempt one!


Edited by andymp3, 20 July 2018 - 12:23 AM.

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Source: https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/598853-orion-star-shoot-g4-color/

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